Skin Aesthetics Treatments

We talk a lot about laser tattoo removal around here, but did you know experts also offer aesthetic procedures such as age spot removal and skin rejuvenation treatments like freeze the fat los angeles and facial botox? As you may already know, botox is a tried and true cosmetic procedure that has been in popular and regular use for many years. At this point, botox injections and dermal fillers like these dermal fillers in Naples, FL have just about been perfected, making it safer and more effective than it ever has been.

Utilizing the Astanza Trinity laser, experts are able to target naturally occurring skin pigment in much the same way tattoo ink is targeted. Age spot removal is great for patients who have a good complexion overall, but a few darker sun spots here and there that they would like to see faded and ultimately removed.  Just as with laser tattoo removal, the laser is used to target and shatter the the darker pigment of the age spot.  The immune system can then absorb and remove the shattered pigment.  Patients will experience redness, swelling, and darkening of the treated area immediately after treatment.  The treated area may develop a scab or remain texturally unchanged.  Over a 24-48 hour period, the redness and swelling will resolve.  The darker color will gradually fade as your skin turns over.  If you developed a scab, it will gradually slough off revealing lighter skin underneath.  This process can take a few days to several weeks. Typically sun spots can be removed in 1-3 treatments, though some may require additional treatments depending on a number of factors including but not limited to the density of the spot, the depth of the spot in the skin, and whether the skin after skin therapy treatments is protected from the sun.

Skin rejuvenation treatments are great for anyone who wants to help even out their skin tone, improve collagen production, and just have overall healthier, younger looking skin. To tighten the skin and naturally exfoliate it one could go for chemical peels in Houston or chemical peels in Raleigh, NC. Skin rejuvenation treatments are performed using a very low setting of your 1064nm wavelength.  The most common areas to treat are the face and back of the hands, though other areas can be treated also.  We treat the entire surface which causes just enough damage to the skin forcing it to turn over at a faster rate.  The laser is attracted to skin pigment as well as fin lines and wrinkles.  This treatment helps to soften edges around light spots making them less noticeable.  Fine lines may fill in slightly as the skin turns over and collagen production is improved.  Skin rejuvenation treatments do not cause an extreme reaction, but rather a mild pink glow after treatment.  Also results are not dramatic especially to those of us who are critical of our skin.  Typically after one treatment, friends tend to ask questions like, “did you do something different with your hair?” or “Are you using a new make-up?”  They notice something is different (in a good way), but just aren’t sure what.  Depending on the results you are looking for, 1 to 3 treatments are typically sufficient.  Maintenance treatments primarily after summer sun exposure will help keep your skin looking healthy and young. You can ask experts like Timeless Laser & Skin Care or Evolution Precision Medicine and Aesthetics for additional guidance.

It is recommended to wait a minimum of 6-8 weeks before another treatment (sun spot removal or skin rejuvenation) is performed.  For sun spot removal treatments, this allows your immune system to flush away a good portion of shattered pigment before shattering more.  For skin rejuvenation treatments, this time allows for your skin to turn over and regulate after treatment.  Results vary from person to person.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation and Pigmentation Removal

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Skin Aesthetics Treatments

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