Why Doesn’t Tattoo Removal Cream Work?

Why Doesn’t Tattoo Removal Cream Work?

We’ve all seen those advertisements to fade or even remove your tattoo by simply using a tattoo removal cream on the skin. Some even have a money back guarantee. There are reviews all over the internet showing incredible results from “verified buyers.” You decide to give it a try. Following the directions, you start to notice your tattoo seems a bit lighter. Woo-hoo! It works! You post a review, then a month or so later, you notice that your tattoo is no longer fading. Why? It worked so well at first.

There is one major flaw with all topical tattoo removal creams. They are applied to the surface of the skin. Tattoo ink resides much deeper in the skin. Unfortunately, no amount of rubbing can get a tattoo removal cream deep enough into the skin to where it can actually break up tattoo ink. The reason the tattoo faded in the beginning, is because a tattoo removal cream helps speed the aging process of the skin/tattoo. It causes the skin to turn over at a faster rate which makes the tattoo appear lighter. Ever wonder why many tattoo artists advise against getting a tattoo on the hands or the feet? Because the skin turns over faster in these areas (frequent handwashing, exposure to the sun, shoes rubbing on the feet, etc), tattoos don’t age well in these areas.

Tattoo removal creams can also bleach the skin especially if you have a darker skin tone. The fact of the matter is…tattoo removal is best left to the professionals, and while laser tattoo removal treatment isn’t the only option, we do believe it’s the gold standard when it comes to fading or removing a tattoo.
