Sun & Age Spots Giving you the Blues?
Vanish is pleased to announce new expanded office hours! Beginning Monday, September 16th, Vanish will be open Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm! The office will close for lunch from 1pm to 2pm. For your convenience, we will continue to offer Saturday hours by appointment between 10am and 1pm.…
Read MoreStricter Rules Governing Tattoos in the Army
It’s been all over the news for a few weeks now. The Army is tightening regulations on tattoos once again. In 2006, the policy on tattoos was relaxed to encourage recruitment. At that time, only “indecent, sexist, or racist” tattoos or tattoos on the face or head were banned that…
Read MoreNot Just Tattoo Removal
Our Astanza Trinity laser system is not only effective in removing tattoos. It can also create more youthful looking skin. Most often these skin rejuvenation treatments are done on the face, but we can also treat the shoulders, backs of the hands, or tops of the feet. For a skin…
Read MoreWhen is the best time to begin laser tattoo removal treatments?
Right now is a perfect time to start laser tattoo removal treatments! If you have a specific date by which to have the ink removed, getting started with treatments as soon as possible is advised. For example, if you need your tattoo removed for a spring wedding, now is the…
Read MoreThe Best Option for Tattoo Removal
There are many options available when it comes to tattoo removal. Some are more effective than others. Some leave behind scars while others do not. Before deciding on any one tattoo removal option it is best to do some research to determine what would work best for you. Probably the…
Read MoreI Want This Tattoo Gone Now!
We understand that when the decision is made to remove a tattoo, sooner is better than later. If only it were possible to remove it in one session. Unfortunately with laser tattoo removal as well as other tattoo removal options, one treatment is just not going to get the job…
Read MoreRemoving Red Ink
While adverse reactions to laser tattoo removal are rare when the proper laser is being used for treatment, they can occur. Of these adverse reactions, some are caused by a sensitivity or allergic reaction to the tattoo ink itself. As the laser’s energy is absorbs by the ink, the ink…
Read MoreLaser Tattoo Removal Pricing
Have you ever heard that “good tattoos aren’t cheap, and cheap tattoos aren’t good.”? We all want the best possible result with the least out of pocket expense, but there are certain things where the “lowest bidder” should be approached with extreme caution, if at all. This is especially true…
Read MoreNow Is the PERFECT Time for Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser tattoo removal treatments can be started any time of year, but some seasons may fit better into your schedule and lifestyle than others. With summer winding down and fall rapidly approaching (cooler temperatures can’t get her soon enough), your time in the sun, enjoying the pool, and taking vacations…
Read MoreDoes Laser Tattoo Removal Cause Scarring?
With the proper laser, calibrated correctly, and a knowledgeable laser tech, laser tattoo removal is a very safe and effective way to remove an unwanted tattoo. When properly calibrated the laser will deliver extremely short pulses of intensely focused light energy into the skin where that energy is absorbed by…
Read MoreMy how quickly times change!
During the morning news when birthday are announced, there is almost always a 90+ year old celebrating a birthday. It is hard to imagine all the changes these people have witnessed over the last 90+ years. Just over 100 years ago, the horse and buggy was the most common way…
Read MoreMy Friend’s Tattoo is Fading Faster than Mine
There are so many factors involved in determining how easily a tattoo can be removed. Even if you and your friend go the same exact tattoo with the same exact colors on the same exact body part on the same exact day by the same exact artist; chances are your…
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