Sun & Age Spots Giving you the Blues?

IPL Treatments are your solution! As we age, in addition to wrinkles many of us start seeing those pesky sun and age spots pop up- especially if you are an outside kind of person.  So, what do you do about them?  At Vanish Skin Aesthetics and Laser Tattoo Removal, we ...
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Does your tattoo know how tired you are?

December 12, 2012

Apparently researchers at the University of Toronto Scarborough have created a tiny sensor positioned inside a temporary tattoo. This sensor can detect the components in your sweat and other metabolic changes. Sports coaches are interested in using the sensors to “fine tune athletes’ training.” Read the full story here…

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Someone You Love Need/Want Laser Tattoo Removal?

December 11, 2012

A gift certificate for laser tattoo removal at Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics may be the perfect gift for someone special this Christmas. Now through December 22nd, purchase a gift certificate from Vanish for 5 or more laser sessions and save 25%.  Sessions start as low as $125. …

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Regular office hours have resumed!

December 9, 2012

We hope everyone had a TERRIFIC Thanksgiving, and a FABULOUS week after.  Vanish has resumed regular office hours.  If you have been waiting to get in to have us look at that unwanted tattoo, birthmark, or sun spot give us a call to schedule your free constulation.

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The Right Laser for the Job

November 27, 2012

As with anything it is important to have the right tool for the job. While a butter knife may be a decent substitute for a flathead screwdriver, it isn’t the best option. The butter knife is more pliable than a screwdriver and may bend, making it unsuitable for spreading butter…

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1 Million Dollar Tattoo

November 22, 2012

If a picture’s worth a thousand words could a tattoo be worth a million dollars? That just may be the case with a tattoo Kate Moss has on her low back. So what makes Kate’s tattoo more special than anyone else’s? Kate Moss was tattooed by world-renowned German painter Lucian…

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Tattoos and Regulation

November 20, 2012

It’s no secret that regulation on tattoo shops and tattoo artists vary widely from state to state, but you would expect that something that requires a needle to be inserted beneath the skin to deposit a foreign substance would require more regulation than cutting hair. Right? Not in California. Fifteen…

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Blue and Green Tattoo Inks

November 15, 2012

Why are blue and green tattoos so hard to remove via laser tattoo removal? The reality is that blue and green inks are not all that difficult to remove if the right laser is available. Blue and green inks do not readily respond to the wavelengths available at the majority…

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Tattoos To Cover or Laser Treatment To Remove Birthmarks

November 11, 2012

Tattoos are being used to “soften” the appearance of scars. Skin toned ink can be used to fill in areas of skin that either do not produce enough pigment or produce too much pigment due to burns and other trauma to the skin. Some people are using the same procedure…

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How long will it be before I start seeing results from my laser tattoo removal treatment?

November 10, 2012

Because no two tattoos and no two people are exactly alike, visible results vary widely from patient to patient. Typically patients will notice a result within a few days to a few weeks after their first treatment. It is possible for the tattoo to appear darker for the first few…

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Tattoo Artist Banned From Career Day

November 9, 2012

In Tampa, Florida a father has been banned from participating in his daughter’s middle school career day. Why? His career is that of a tattoo artist and shop owner. Many parents at the school do not want Mr. Smith sharing his “alternative lifestyle” with their children. Mr. Smith says he…

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Most Tattooed Cities in America

November 8, 2012

The Today Show on NBC recently released a list of the top 10 most tattooed cities. How did they decide which cities were in fact the most tattooed? Basically it all boils down to how many tattoo shops per capita are located in the city. They also took into consideration the cities…

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Normal Response to Laser Tattoo Removal Treatments?

October 30, 2012

After laser treatment my tattoo looks the same, but it feels thick and raised like a scab is over the area. Is this normal? Every person and every tattoo responds differently to laser treatment. Some develop scabs. Others develop blisters. Still others develop thicker raised skin that feels like a…

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