Sun & Age Spots Giving you the Blues?
Antibiotic Use and Laser Treatment
It is best to postpone any laser treatments while taking any antibiotics. Many antibiotics cause sensitivity to light which could result in prolonged healing, increased blistering, intensified tenderness, etc. You must also take into consideration the reason for being on an antibiotic. Generally antibiotics are prescribed to aid the immune…
Read MoreWhat are some reasons people have for removing tattoos?
As a lover of tattoos, you may wonder why so many seem to be deciding to remove tattoos these days. There are nearly as many reasons to remove a tattoo as there are people seeking tattoo removal. It is a personal decision that can at times involve a great number…
Read MoreHow many treatments will it take to remove my tattoo?
When it comes to estimating the number of treatments a tattoo may need in order to remove it, there are many factors that contribute to that number. Many of these factors are not readily visible. Some determining factors include, but are not limited to, tattoo color, skin color, density of…
Read MoreNot Seeing Results from Your Skin Rejuvenation?
Skin rejuvenation treatments like a PRP treatment and DiamondGlow treatment in Bay City, MI are great for improving overall skin tone, helping to improve collagen production, lessening the appearance of fine lines, preventing new fine lines from appearing, and just helping your skin to turn over. While skin rejuvenation treatments such as Morpheus8 treatment can help…
Read MoreIllness and Laser Tattoo Removal
It’s that time of year! Coughs, colds, and sniffles are going around. Because laser tattoo removal as well as laser skin rejuvenation and sun spot removal actively involves the immune system, if you become ill or think you may be getting sick, our laser specialists suggest you postpone your laser…
Read MoreHow Long is too Long?
With laser tattoo removal, is there an amount of time that is too much to have between treatments? The short answer is, no. With laser tattoo removal time is a good thing. It t takes time for the skin to heal. It also takes time for the immune system to…
Read MoreLaser Birthmark/Sunspot Removal VS Laser Tattoo Removal
Birthmarks and sunspots can be removed with our Trinity Laser by Astanza as can tattoos of a wide variety of colors, but is there a difference in the treatment, healing process, results, etc? As with laser tattoo removal, a laser of the proper frequency must be used to remove a…
Read MoreGetting the Most out of Your Laser Tattoo Removal Treatments
While many believe that the laser is responsible for removing tattoo ink from the skin, it is actually your immune system that does the removal. The laser breaks up the ink into small enough particles that the immune system can then absorb and flush away. Because the immune system is…
Read MoreUGH! It’s so itchy!
Laser treatments are definitely the way to go for tattoo removal, but there are a few uncomfortable side effects you may have to deal with while the treated area heals. One of the biggest complaints we hear is that the skin in and around the treated area is extremely itchy…
Read MoreHyper/Hypo Pigmentation ???
What is hyper/hypo pigmentation? Both hyper and hypo pigmentation are changes to the skin’s natural color typically caused by trauma, especially burns, to the skin. Hyper pigmentation refers to the darkening of the skin. Hypo pigmentation is the opposite, the lightening of the skin. Laser tattoo removal can cause hyper…
Read MoreI Don’t Think My Tattoo Has Faded Much
When you have a tattoo in a location where you can see it on a daily basis, it can be hard to notice just how much the tattoo fades from treatment to treatment. Taking a photograph prior to each treatment can provide an accurate account of the tattoo’s progress. When…
Read MoreInteresting Topic of Debate: Tattoos & Copyright Law
A wide range of art is covered under copyright laws so it should come as no surprise that tattoo artists are seeking recognition for the use of their artwork in various media. Tattoos are making their way into video games, advertisement, even sketch parodies as part of a celebrity’s or…
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